Argentia Access: New Happenings 
The "Argentia Access" is a quarterly newsletter designed to provide information about what is happening at the former Argentia Naval Facility. It is published by the Argentia Management Authority, and it will offer timely information about what is happening at the facility now, and what the plans are for the future.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Elaine Murray
Argentia Management Authority
P.O. Box 95
Argentia, NF
A0B 1W0
Tel: (709) 227-5502
Fax: (709) 227-5592
Here are some of the latest events taking place in Argentia:
- High Country Beef - construction has been stepped up to meet the targeted
- early December start-up date.
- Pulse Enterprises - renovations are moving forward rapidly.
- The Argentia Management Authority and Public Works and Government
- Services Canada recently donated an extensive inventory of medical and
- dental supplies to the Placentia Area Health Care Board. The Board then
- distributed the medical equipment, surplus to their needs, for use in other
- hospitals throughout the province. Various furnishings and consumable
- products were also donated for the new hospital in Placentia.
- The Town of Placentia will recieve a wide variety of recreational and
- sports equipment from Argentia, as well as outdoor play equipment. The
- municipality will also receive a pick-up truck and a number of maintenance
- related items, including mechanical and working tools.
- The 13,000 volume Argentia Library has been donated to the
- Placentia Area Public Library Board.
- A 15-passenger bus was presented to Laval High School.
- A wide variety of religious items were presented to the churches
- of Placentia, Dunville, Freshwater, Fox Harbour and Ship Harbour.
- Port activity has increased significantly in the first six months of 1995,
- over 1994.
- The Canadian Coast Guard is proceeding with engineering work for the
- upgrade of the south end of the fleet dock.
- Dredging is currently in progress at the Fleet Dock to increase the
- available draft to 11 metres.
- Construction of the $3 million seawall and leachate collection, by
- the U.S. Navy, at the Argentia landfill site, is nearing completion.
- Subcontractor for a major portion of this work is Ed Collins Contracting
- Limited, Jersey Side, Placentia.
- The AMA is currently developing a proposal to go to the Governemnt,
- to operate a Casino.
- Prospectus Associates, a nationally respected Ottawa firm, has been
- hired to identify national and international businesses interested in
- establishing at Argentia.
- The AMA is developing a Direct Mail Program to target businesses in
- specific industry groups.
- The RCMP Provincial Emergency Response Team has utilized
- several buildings at Argentia to conduct emergency training response
- in firearm situations and hostage related incidents.
- The AMA recently announced a partnership arrangement with
- St. Anne's Academy, Dunville to provide funding support for the
- bi-weekly mini-newspaper "The New Fogorn".
- Cyril O'Reilly, of CORe Computer Services, has been contracted
- by the AMA, with funding from ACOA and the Argentia Development
- Corporation, to create an Argentia Home Page to advertise the Argentia
- facility on the World Wide Web on the Internet. The contract fee will be
- used to purchase a new computer for St. Edward's Elementary, Placentia.
- Cabot 500 - The AMA Board Of Directors has endorsed the Festival
- Of Flags Calendar Of Events
- and marketing strategy as proposed by the
- Placentia-Cape Shore Cabot 500 Action Group for Cabot 500 Celebrations
- in 1997.
- The Atlantic Charter Research Project - The Atlantic Charter Committee
- and the AMA, in co-operation with STEM~Net - Memorial University,
- and CORe Computer Services, Placentia are kicking off an online project
- to ensure the research conducted on the Atlantic Charter and the
- United Nations will be available to students via the World Wide Web on
- the Internet. The project was announced on October 24, 1995 to mark
- United Nations Day in the schools and the 50th anniversary of the
- United Nations.
Table Of Contents