Prediction based on Mar94 mixed episode

Summary: mood tracking & prediction
         mixed/dysphoric/psychic death episode pre-full-moon Mar94
         prediction of a creative mystic high at the end of August

Details: After the January 1994 high I sat down with monthly lunar calendar printouts (from the program/script lcal on comp.sources.postscript or comp.sources.misc) and plotted all my episodes to date. It was only then I really noticed the clear division into pre-new and pre-full episodes. Much of this series is from memory, I have more in my old computer files and on those & other sheets, but I think I first tried to find a pattern in just the good (if managed) highs, and only later measured the separation between Jan93 & June93 and Jul/Aug93 & Jan94 and found it to be 5.5 lunar months between onsets, within a couple of days. It wasn't until later that I found out about the "5 cauldrons" of Taliesin, and much later (recently) the 5 stones of David's sling, 5 loaves of the loaves and fishes, 165 beads of the Christian rosary, 5 * 33 beads of the Islami rosary, 1.5*108 beads of the Hindu mala rosary, and 5 bows of the native salmon youth story.

Then in March 1994, the week before full moon, after being at the Vancouver ANZA Club for a benefit or private party, I think related to McEwan Arts. I may have had one or two beer then. Then the next 2-3 days I had another shaky mixed episode, perhaps partly triggered by a sudden weather change too, not as bad as the earlier ones. During it I was at a W.I.S.E. Club Special General Meeting upstairs in our hall, and thought the exec were an evil cabal controlling the world. I was about to burst out or something and my friend Robbin Briana Greene (who, by the way, anyone in Vancouver could buy wonderful imported Irish celtic jewellery from through her work number of [604] 873-5118) intuitively put her hand on my arm for a second and I calmed down. Later at the Geophysics & Astronomy Department there was some vocal distortion (someone saying one thing, me hearing something else weird/nasty) as in May92 and Jul/Aug93. After that I had a chat with my supervisor and went home and took 4 mg of haloperidol and slept it off.

After that I began avoiding alcohol from 1-9 days before full moon, which worked successfully until I stupidly went off my lithium the middle of Jan96.

After that I also, based on the 5.5 lunar month separation, made on alt.pagan, the pendulum bipolar mailing list, and a few other places, including, the prediction that I would have a positive creative hypomania beginning in late August.

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