Screech-In/Lugh's lance/Wild Rover

Summary: this has three separate subsections. In the first I undergo a waxing gibbous moon psychic test experience (like Taliesin's prison of Arianrhod, the Buddha's Mara attack, or the parable of the psychic death of Jesus with resurrection at full moon. In the second, 5.5 lunar months after the onset of the first I have a playful inspired pre-new-moon high, a Joycean dance of words triggered by a big lightning flash not long after (I later found out) an M-class solar flare. In the third I include an abridged version of a weird draft poem which I wrote during that high.


(Or for Great Big Sea [Newfoundland band] fans, The Old Black Rum)

Details for those who want them: At the end of 1992 and beginning of 93 I stupidly consumed about 30 oz of Screech (Jamaican dark rum bottled in Newfoundland) at three separate parties. At the last party, where there were lots of physicists and some astronomers (and me, a geophysicist) I had a blackout and according to friends who were there, was acting strangely (saying stuff like the universe would be destroyed and reformed, or something). The police were called and dragged me off to the drunk tank, without my boots. I came to the next morning in the solitary holding cell, very paranoid and thinking that I was in a concentration camp such as Auschwitz. Luckily I gradually came to my senses and by the time the police officer came to let me out, was in a near-normal mind state. They let me go, and I walked across Vancouver in my socks, which was stupid since though my wallet was empty of cash, I had my credit cards and could easily have gotten a cab. Once home I had a hot bath, took some haloperidol just in case, and slept it off.

Lugh's lance

(Lugh is an Irish god of arts/light/lightning/the sun)

The week before new moon of June93, 5.5 lunar months after the Screech incident, when I was supposed to be working on a Ph.D committee meeting presentation, there was a huge flash outside the UBC Geophysics & Astronomy building. Over the next few days I went into a playful creative mode during which I did a computer collage of various FTP-ed sun and moon images, a dragon image, and Escher's hands.

I also did a playful Joycean poem, though I had not read any Joyce, filled with word play, and with a play on the song Wild Rover, instead of Finnegan's Wake. But it wasn't as good as I thought, it was a draft with some references to draught but none drunk that night. I thought it encapsulated the secrets of the universe, with letters representing physical quantities, and crossposted it to a large number of newsgroups plus e-mailed it to my Ph.D committee and others. This occurred partly because I stayed up all night, I now avoid sleep deprivation when high. This alerted my supervisor and after a brief chat I took some haloperidol and caught up on my sleep, later missing my Ph.D committe meeting due to Lollapalooza bus problems that day. (See the third subsection below for the "Poe-m".)

So this was less intense than the Sept91 episode, mainly because I was on lithium, but _perhaps_ a bit with the decrease in the solar cycle.

Wild Rover Poe-M

Here is that "Joycean" poem, with the header and trailer and a middle verse omitted. I originally gave this post the subject:

"Fractal twi/pu/[n]ning and the arrows of ...h[E]r(T)s---><---t[R]e(sH)"

And the "Poe-M" below has a title with a play on the Irish partying song Wild Rover (no nay never...) plus The Lancers dance and Poe's Raven's Nevermore, plus the Chain (of abuse) that Snaps (related to the Feb. 1996 Luthien seagull story later). One form of the middle bit of the title is "name no names." I did the first line long before I heard Lizband's song "One Song," and before I knew that the first three letters of one form of the divine important to druids are OIU (with sea, that's the french OIseaU) according to a Ross Nichols book I thumbed trecently. OUI is an ANAgram of OIU as well as being French for yes and pronounced like a breathy "we."

...FrEE_Lancers' G_yNhAME G_naw f/l/NAmiss, NuNe our Never 'n MOreo oo
     OUIow, the uni-verse, L.whee DRUInk-rD
       aura FU-syZY, G_ee, circle-T  P/ToeMa-knEE
         dense eNFanTime 'round T'Wean dark, from light
     Dis lex 'ick T-waIsted AC-Scent PR-One to M/LIce
  S/B hare, leaf is / all re but-t
      fruit loops chopped, sum bits dropped, sLaphter and PneUNs
             a par fait danSH Z\'est nu f(1)  T fore too
 Chi/me dark to light C/Home light to dark _ sea, ole Port 'eh

                have & helf,  black et tan, 
                wHEY t' fur the rigged barE, tinders of nut and dew.
                   onDe leFt le femME noIre BB uRe gidde
                      all weigh fael  sLlabelLs

It was after the June93 episode that I first noted the common high sunspot number in Sept91 and June93. However (going out of chronological order) I certainly did not go high in every month when sunspot number was high, but every time I did it was medium-high, more intense if high. Later I noted the M-class solar flares in late Aug91 and early June93, but still I don't go high whenever there is an M-class flare before new moon. The only predictor that has worked is the 5.5 lunar month separator combined with solar activity. But the solar flare, as I found out in July94, even without the 5.5 lunar month precursor, is a good indicator to be careful to avoid going too high too close to the new moon transition from the playful dance of creation to the prison of fear/destruction which occurs if you don't wind down by then.

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