
The parable of the death and resurrection followed some time later by an ascension into heaven is equivalent to the waxing gibbous moon fear/death episode which ends with release by full moon, followed close to 4 times 40 days after the onset of the waxing gibbous moon trial later (160--164 days, 5.5 lunar months, 6 solar rotations of 27 days) by a waning crescent mystic episode in which one is resonant with the divine (or can feel that way). However, this "ascension into heaven" is again temporary, unless you try to fly off a cliff. But in ancient times this hypomanic/inspired/mantic state would be seen as equivalent to divine inspiration/transformation. At the end of July and beginning of August 1993 I lay as one dead on the couch for several days and came out of it at full moon. This release by full moon I also liken to the Catholic wafer which by its round shape I think partly represents such a full moon, and note that a round loaf of bread is sometimes associated with the full moon. I also tentatively relate such a full moon to the tombstone which covered the tomb of Jesus. But the wafer could be associated with such a full moon as well.

Three other possibilities for interpreting the death and resurrection are that he was in a coma and came out of the coma in apparent resurrection; or that he was in low years for seven years, worst at age 32 or 33, and came out of it at around age 40 (so was resurrected from the low years); or that like me he endured a very painful naked climb up a hill of thorns, and note that the thorns I climbed up and hung on at times were fairly similar to those on the old Catholic Sacred Heart of Jesus picture, wound around his head and I think his exposed heart. In the climb I endured a piercing of hands and feet by the thorns which I think awakened my hands and feet but was very very painful, partly since I was pierced over and over again. My stigmata spots described on St. Sara/Stigmata/Dark Night of Despair may also be of interest.

I believe, but am not pushing, that Jesus lived well past the supposed death/ascension dates, but managed to escape the hoopla. That is, after providing some pattern-shifting template ideas to his listeners, as I am trying to do with you, they were left to carry on the oral tradition in the religious field while he went on to others such as art/music/science which might also have benefited from him. This is like the sacred king being torn in pieces -- he is not actually torn in pieces but sheds clues or pieces of knowledge to many disciplines; and he is not actually sacrificed but undergoes a pyschic test (like the assault by Satan in the desert) with release at full moon and later mystic creative/inspired high.

Also I don't think the parable of death/resurrection was forged in stone as dogma until a few years after his supposed death. Anyone who was there can let me know for sure. :-)

Does anyone who has a bible and/or other related documents know if the onset/release from the "Satan in the desert" incident was followed 160-164 days later by a mystic inspired period (onset/fading), perhaps the sermon "on the mount". i.e., onset to onset is 160-164 days, or release to fading (full moon to new moon) is 160-164 days. Also, was the "sermon on the mount" just before new moon, and preceeded 5.5 lunar months earlier by a test, perhaps the "Satan in the desert" incident? This is not apparent from the New Testament which is actually worse about chronology than the Old Testament. I'll have a look at Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible Vol. II soon, it was missing from the library when I looked a few years ago, but would also appreciate pointers to any documents with a better chronology. Another option for the sermon on the mount is that it was not a waning crescent high but during a productive but not high period after release from the low years.

The incident of Jesus changing water to wine I think means that Jesus changed from drinking water to drinking wine, perhaps at full moon. I abstain from drinking alcohol 1--9 days before full moon but allow myself to drink in moderation at other times.

I think that Amergin's primary siddhi was weatherworking whereas Jesus's was healing, mine has been matchmaking, and I think Jacob's was probably an agricultural ability combining green thumb and animal husbandry.

Also, why is a rosary called a rosary? Oh, wait I just looked in the dictionary and it says a string of 165 beads. This is pretty much the same, in days, as 5.5 lunar months, and is also 5 times the length of an Islamic rosary (and 5 is the number of the rose) and 1.5 times the length of a Hindu mala rosary of 108 beads. Also 5.5 lunar months is the same as six rotations of the sun. Someone on soc.religion.christian informed me that the shorter 58 bead Catholic rosary is more common now but I suspect that the 165 bead Catholic one is the earlier one. Let me know when each originated if you like and I will reference you and/or your source. This 165 day period is about the time period from the onset of a pre-full-moon psychic test (such as that of Buddha tested by Mara, or Jesus tested by Satan in the desert) with release/resurrection at full moon, to the onset of a pre-new-moon waning sickle mystic high. The blue rose in my vision might have been the blue lotus in others, perhaps the words for rose and lotus in some ancient or modern Indian language or Romany sound alike. My personal onset to onset measurements have ranged from 160 to 164 days. Also note that in Legends of the Rose it says "And the first rosary is said to have been made of actual flowers.". It also says "The fourth century martyr, Saint Dorothy, is said to have been delivered roses from the garden of paradise by and angel in her prison cell.". Thus I plan to read more about her eventually, partly but not just because there is a chance she could have been a female figure like me, and I have not come across such yet. And Everything is Coming up Roses says "A little known fact is that the Rosary derived its name from the rose hips, which were strung as prayer beads by the monks. Later rosary beads were made from the fragrant paste of crushed rose petals."

The story of the five loaves and two fishes also represents this time period (5.5 lunar months). The five loaves represent five full moons, one fish the waning crescent moon of "mountain" high, and he is the other fish who can provide productive ideas for all. This waning crescent of fish is equivalent to the waning crescent horn of bull of the bull/lightning paths.

Since Christians related to me played a large role in the demise of the Beothuk, you may want to take a look at the paragraph on them in the Asatru section, in which I call for a Beothuk wake WOMAD festival healing ritual, plus at the Native section.

Since Christianity follows on to some extent from it, the section on Judaism should also be of interest (Old Testament material).

Bright Blue Rose

On Christy Moore's recording Voyage there is a song written by Jimmy MacCarthy entitled Bright Blue Rose with lyrics that include "One bright blue rose/Outlives all those/Two thousand years and still it goes,/To ponder his life and his death eternally". This would seem to indicate that Jesus had a blue rose vision like mine. I plan to try and get in touch with Jimmy to find more about the background behind the lyrics.

Also note that often Mary the mother of Jesus is depicted in blue. Also two web pages that associate the blue rose with Mary Magdalene are The Order of the Blue Rose and What Happened to Mary Magdalene?. I don't vouch for all the information on those web pages, such as she travelled to France, but at least there is the blue rose association. The first of the two pages says "In the days of the Cathors of southern France, there was established The Order of the Blue Rose. This group loved and followed the true teaching of Jesus the Christ. They were not connected with any other religion and finally were killed by the crusaders." That seems to indicate that the Cathors are no more, but if there are I hope to contact them, and if there are not I hope to find some of their writings, though I may have to bone up on my very rusty French for that.

The Essenes also have an Order of the Blue Rose and associate the blue rose with Mary Magdalene.

Jesus and Quetzalcoatl

This series I think refers to an original human figure Quetzalcoatl.

Once I thumbed at random D.H. Lawrence's The Complete Poems and came out at a page with some poems relating Jesus and Quetzalcoatl, from the section Poems From the Plumed Serpent. On that page was the short poem

My name is Jesus, I am Mary's son,
I am coming home,
My mother the Moon is dark

Brother, Quetzalcoatl,
Hold back the wild hot sun.
Bind him with shadow while I pass.
Let me come home.

From that I interpret the dark moon as being new moon, so related to my waning crescent to new moon highs, and the hold back the wild hot sun to my sun stare of Sept. 5, 1991, 2.5 days before the exact time of new moon.

Some other relevant quotes from those poems are:

In the cave which is called Dark Eye
Behind the sun, looking through him as a window
Is the place. There the waters rise,
There the winds are born

Those last four lines are about Quetzalcoatl than Jesus though, but they again indicate to me my sun stare and in it the tunneling beyond the sun.

Some more lines, from a poem called Quetzalcoatl looks down on Mexico, are:

Jesus had gone far up the dark slope, when he looked back.
Quetzalcoatl, my brother! he called. Send me my images,
And the images of my mother, and the images of my saints.
Send me them by the swift way, the way of the sparks,
That I may hold them like memories in my arms when I go to sleep

In that I interpret the sparks to be like my own mystic spark experiences.

In the book PAGAN & CHRISTIAN CREEDS: THEIR ORIGIN AND MEANING by Edward Carpenter it says:

(2) See Kingsborough's Mexican Antiquities, vol. vi, p. 176, where it is said "an ambassador was sent from heaven on an embassy to a Virgin of Tulan, called Chimalman... announcing that it was the will of the God that she should conceive a son; and having delivered her the message he rose and left the house; and as soon as he had left it she conceived a son, without connection with man, who was called Quetzalcoat, who they say is the god of air." Further, it is explained that Quetzalcoatl sacrificed himself, drawing forth his own blood with thorns; and that the word Quetzalcoatlotopitzin means "our well-beloved son."

So Quetzalcoatl seems to have undergone a naked thorn hill climb like mine of Sept. 5/6, 1991.

Baptism/dove/horn of oil

During my sun stare I blacked out and fell into the shallow sea water to awaken seconds later with my chest up in the upward facing dog pose of the yoga sun salutation, so with my chest expanded so I would't get a lung full of water. Now this falling into the water I liken to a baptism. But also the story of the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist I liken to my receiving shaktipat (spontaneous proximity induced Kundalini awakening) from Gioia Irwin on Aug. 31, 1991, so I think Jesus similarly received shaktipat from John the Baptist. But also note in Matthew 3:16 it says "And when Jesus was baptized, He went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on Him" . From Birds of Israel it says that "Doves are harmless, peaceful birds which came to be used as a symbol of The Holy Spirit". For me the heavens were opened (in that tunneling beyond the sun) during my sun stare, and just before I blacked out and fell into the water it was as if the wings of the sun or the wings of space folded in on me. So perhaps that opening of the heavens and those wings (which could be related to a bird such as a dove) could be related to that quote from Matthew.

The above incident would be regarded by Christians as an anointing by the Holy Spirit during late waning crescent moon (shaped like a horn). This is related to some comments I have made on the horn of oil on Jewish parallels and I repeat some but not all of them here. In Jewish tradition, anointing by the horn of oil is part of initiation to the kingship, but also it represents an anointing by the divine (Christians say by the Holy Spirit), I think in the form of a waning crescent moon inspiration, since the waning crescent is shaped like a horn. Also from the Concise Oxford Dictionary the word Messiah comes from the Aramaic m'shiha and the Hebrew masiah meaning anointed. So one who has waning crescent inspiration is a Messiah type. Furthermore, and I don't have this point on Jewish parallels, the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the Lord's Anointed as Christ, so one who has waning crescent inspiration is a Christ type. I am not sure if only the first waning crescent high is considered the anointing or if subsequent waning crescent highs are also considered further anointings.

HOWEVER (March 2014), on examining some pictures of horns of oil, the horn of oil is shaped more like the curved cone/tunneling I observed during my sun stare, with its wide mouth towards me, rather than like the waning crescent moon. The sun stare occurred late in my first waning crescent high. Thus the sun stare experience counts as my anointing by the divine, whether the divine horn of oil is the waning crescent moon or, more likely, the curved cone/tunneling I observed during my sun stare.

Gnostic rose and sparks

From a search for spark OR sparks on the gnosis index it seems that the words spark and sparks are more common in gnostic writings than in the King James bible and that gnostics may equate spark and soul somewhat. This I think is related to my mystic spark experiences.

Also someone (I forget who) once noted to me, I think on a newsgroup, that the bible says somewhere that when sparks go upward there will be trouble and I said what about when they come downward, also that the "go upward" could mean "go away", so that an absence of sparks could mean trouble, and that when they come downward there are good times. OK, the exact bible quote is from Job 5:7 and is "Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.". But perhaps that quote is not related to my mystic spark experiences at all.

Also from The Nag Hammadi Library -- On the Origin of the World there are the lines "And the first soul (psyche) loved Eros, who was with her, and poured her blood upon him and upon the earth. And out of that blood the rose first sprouted up, out of the earth, out of the thorn bush, to be a source of joy for the light that was to appear in the bush."

I relate that to my naked thorn hill climb and blue rose vision.

More Christian rose legends

In Legends of the Rose it says "Another Christian legend says that when the blood of the crucified Jesus dripped onto the moss at the foot of the cross, moss roses were created." and a bit later "In Christian symbolism the Rose, as being emblematic of a paragon or one without peer, is peculiarly appropriatcd to the Virgin Mary, one of whose titles is `The Mystical Rose'." Also in Rose Trivia it says "In Christianity, the red rose is symbolic of the blood of Christ and a symbol of martyrdom, charity, the passion and resurrection. The white rose is linked to the Virgin Mary — the rose without thorns."

Also according to Symbolism of the Rose in Alchemy the rose is a symbol of paradise in Dante's writing, and the blue rose is a symbol of the impossible. In the same page, drawing on Jung Alchemical Studies p294-5, Jon Marshall writes that "The lapis-Christ parallel was presumably the bridge by which the rose entered alchemy." and "the rose is the symbol of the relationship between king and queen." and "In a vision of mechthild Christ appears with a 5 petaled rose, the petals represent the senses which are the vehicles of Christ's love." and "the rose as a symbol of perfection, is, in the west, a female symbol". Also I have yet to investigate what meanings Rosicrucians attach to the rose and whether they know anything of the blue rose.

I speculate that Jesus may have been not a virgin birth but another premature birth like Moses, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, and me. If he was premature he may have been placed in a box lined with hay and wool, when he couldn't be next to his mother's skin, instead of the modern incubator. Also I think he was born during lambing season. A google for
Jesus intext:premature birth
produces some relevant hits including The Virgin Birth of Christ.

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